Letter Matches in the KJB (Excel, Google Sheets, CSV)
All 31,102 verses of the King James Bible perfectly divided onto every line of an .XLSX sheet with word/letter/consonant/vowel counts.
The right-hand column shows all previous letter matches (verses that previously showed up in the Bible with the same # of consonants and vowels)
The verse order according to the entire Bible is on the left side.
A breakdown of every verse by word position is available on the second tab/sheet.
TIP 1: These are only looking at A-E-I-O-U for vowels (the Y-rule is not considered)
TIP 2: Use Control-F (or Command-F on Mac) to quickly type in a verse reference (E.g. Genesis 1:1), then go to the very last result to see (in the right-most column) all the verses where it appears as a match.
This was made in order to further explore the first and last verse anomaly in the King James Bible, where Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 22:21 have the exact same amount of letters, consonants, and vowels.
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May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified!
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